Helping Others Gain or Regain the Capacity to Love

Summer 2010

Summer time…

I’ve been looking forward to June for a long time.  It’s been a long haul of a year.  I’m in school… Em is in school… almost all the kids are in school, I tell you what… we need a summer vacation.

So… I’m going to share my list of goals to accomplish this summer, with the express purpose of not deviating too much into the deepness of life, but rather to just enjoy things.  I think I can be really boring to other people who aren’t so consumed with drowning in life beneath the surface so much… ok, here’s the list:

  1. Learn how to barbeque me some chicken: I’m going to be experimenting with putting some wood on my gas grill to slowly cook the bird.  It seems like my chicken always comes out raw on the inside, and crispy on the outside.  There has to be a way.
  2. Read a fiction book about Werewolves: I’m not against Vampires… its just that since ‘Edward’ just stood their on the MTV awards stage and did nothing when Kanye West did his number on Taylor Swift… I think that Vampires are weak.
  3. Weekly pool-parties for the neighborhood kids:  It’s just got to happen.
  4. Read ‘The Message’ everyday… and press on through the temptation to camp-out on just one verse for a whole month: First… the Message is a great translation of the Bible… period.  I don’t t think that the early Christians sat around with concordances trying to figure out what Paul was writing to them… it was written in their everyday language.  (Sorry my Literal and Dynamic Equivalent friends… it’s just the way it is.) And… I spent 2 years on Matthew 5:3-7 once.  I need to sprint a bit.
  5. Hand write some letters to folks: I have put aside my personal facebook account for the summer with the intention to make a more intimate contact with people that I love.  We’ll see how that works.

So, there it is.  If you have any movies or restaurants you suggest Em and I check out… i’ll trust you.  Pass them on.
